ETIT-OVE High-Profile Lecture Series

This edition of the High-Profile Lecture Series on March 11, 2025 deals with the topic "The Path to Fully Autonomous Machines in Industrial Applications"

Autonomous machines are already transforming industrial operations, from self-driving mining trucks to AI-controlled robotic systems in manufacturing and logistics. But how close are we to full autonomy? This presentation will explore the current state of autonomous industrial machines, highlighting what is already working in real-world applications. It will examine the role of AI in enabling automation, discuss the key technological and regulatory hurdles that still stand in the way, and identify the most pressing research needs for the future. Safety, decision-making under uncertainty, and seamless human-machine collaboration remain major challenges. Looking ahead, it will discuss what breakthroughs are needed to achieve fully autonomous industrial systems and what the future of industrial automation could look like.

Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Christian Riedel, CEO, xtonomy GmbH

17:00 h Registration
17:30 h Start of the Lecture followed by a discussion

The event is free of charge, but registration is required.

The ETIT-OVE High-Profile Lecture Series is a partner event of Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and OVE Austrian Electrotechnical Association.

Fotocredit: ©xtonomy/CPI/Bell UK/Sibelco

Termin und Ort
Termin und Ort
17:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Termin und Ort
TU Wien
Gußhausstraße 27-29, EI7
1040 Wien
Preise und Anmeldung
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