IEC TC 56 „Dependability” Seminar

Scope of IEC TC 56:

To prepare international standards in the field of dependability, in all appropriate technological areas, including those not normally dealt with by IEC Technical Committees. Dependability is the ability to perform as and when required and is time dependent in application. Dependability can be expressed in terms of core attributes of availability, reliability, maintainability and supportability that are tailored to application-specific functional and service attributes.

TC 56 standards are related to products, processes and management activities.  The standards provide systematic methods and tools for dependability assessment, technical risk assessment and management of services and systems throughout their life cycles.

Dependability is a technical discipline that is important in quality management, asset management risk management and financial decision making. It is managed through life cycle processes involving availability and its core performance attributes of reliability, maintainability and supportability, as well as application specific performance attributes such as recoverability, survivability, integrity and security for products and service dependability evaluation.


  • Introduction to IEC TC56
    Presented by Yoshiki Kinoshita
  • Changes in the top 6 standards
    Presented by Jo Hursell
  • Maintainability and maintenance
    Presented by Rachel Scott
  • Dependability in the current socio-economic climate
    Presented by Joffrey Smitham


The seminar ist free of charge and takes place in a hybrid form, a registration is required.
Online participants will receive an access link by email one day before the seminar.

Termin und Ort
Termin und Ort
14:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Termin und Ort
OVE Academy Sitzungszimmer S3
Eschenbachgasse 9
1010 Wien
Preise und Anmeldung
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