Power Electronics for Energy Transition Symposium

Power Electronics is one of the key technologies for the energy transition. Two of Austria’s largest research centers for electronic systems – AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) have joined forces to organize this event as a meeting point for industry and academia in central Europe.

The Power Electronics for Energy Transition Symposium will focus on newest technology for automotive applications (including charging), renewable energy in medium voltage applications and DC grids for industry taking onto account the value chain from components to assembly, system and application. Given the rapid growth of electrification around the world the sustainability of electric components is becoming an important topic and therefore will also be addressed.

Which key topics will be addressed at the event?

  • Power Electronics in automotive applications

  • Power Electronics in medium voltage applications

  • Charging

  • DC Industry

  • Sustainability & Circular Economy in Power Electronics

How to get involved:

  • Talk: Both industry and academia are invited to hand in abstracts for the described topics,the call will open in February 2025. Selected papers will be invited to give a talk.
  • Poster session: Selected papers will be invited to present a poster.
  • Exhibition: A table-top-exhibition will accompany the event.
  • Sponsoring: There are attractive sponsorship packages available for companies ororganizations.

Early Bird Ticket available until July 1, 2025. Full price (330€) will be charged from July 2, 2025.


OVE Austrian Electrotechnical Association closely collaborates with AIT and SAL and serves as a partner for the symposium.

Termin und Ort
Termin und Ort
30.09.2025 10:00 Uhr -
01.10.2025 17:00 Uhr
Termin und Ort
Ekke­hard-Hauer-Strasse 33
8053 Graz
Preise und Anmeldung
OVE-Mitglied (zzgl. gesetzl. USt.)
Normalpreis (zzgl. gesetzl. USt.)
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